Key Steps

  1. Accessing clickBACON Reporting Page:

    • From the sidebar, under analytics, click on the reports button.

    • Alternatively, if on the dashboard, click on the reports button to navigate to the reporting page.

  2. Selecting Restaurant Summary Report:

    • Within the reports page, locate and select the restaurant summary report for detailed insights.

  3. Setting Up Current View:

    • Choose from prebuilt filter ranges or select date options.

    • Specify display frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or total).

    • Click on "Load Report" to update preferences and filters.

  4. Comparing to Previous Period:

    • Toggle on compare mode.

    • Choose comparison criteria (previous year, previous period, budget).

    • Select to display percentage change, dollar change, or both.

    • Click on "Load Report" to view current and previous period data with changes.

  5. Saving Reports:

    • Save the report for frequent use by entering a name and clicking on save.

    • Access saved reports under "My Reports" in the report section.

    • Use the flag button to mark favorite reports for quick access.

  6. Enhancing Accessibility:

    • Click on the icon to add the report to the dashboard for quicker access.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure accurate selection of filters and comparison criteria to avoid misleading data analysis.

  • Save reports with clear and identifiable names to easily distinguish them.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Utilize the favorite report feature to prioritize frequently accessed reports.

  • Add important reports to the dashboard for immediate access without navigating through the reporting section.