This is guide shows you how to step-by-step add credits to your purchases/invoices!

  1. Navigate to your purchases page by clicking on the "Purchases" link on the left hand menu.

  2. You will be directed to your purchases list. Click the Options buttonand select “Credit Slip”.

  3. The purchase record will now be marked as . A new column called “Credit” will appear where you can enter the value of the Credit on the specific category. In this example, we have a $100 credit on “Food” which will lower it’s total to $400.00 (see screenshot). This is one way to enter credits through an existing invoice record.

  4. Another way to add credits would be to use the “Add” button in the purchases page. With this method however you will need to toggle the “Credit” option in the right corner to ON. Click “Save”.

  5. If the credit is added from the 'Add' option  and has the same Date, Invoice Number and Vendor you will always be asked to merge/deduct it to the existing record. If not, it will be added a separate credit record.

That concludes this tutorial on adding credits to your purchases!

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